Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grocer to Garden - Lemongrass, Ginger, and Taro

A little experiment brewing here. I purchased two taro root corms, one large-ish piece of organic ginger and two stalks of organic lemongrass from the local grocery store. Here's what I did so far...

Requires - one clean apple cider jar, a rubber band, two sticks, and water. Bound the two stalks with a rubber band (not too tight) and used two sticks to suspend the bunch in the water.

Ginger & Taro
Requires - 2 terracotta bulb pots (10-inch), some potting mix, some water. Two 3 inch pieces of Ginger layed horizontally 2-3 inches below the soil. Two taro balls placed vertically, partially buried, with a little bit peeking above ground. Just add water.

Ginger (not much to see here)

Taro, take a closer look at the two little taro roots popping out of the ground.

Check out this nifty collection of Vegetables from the Undeground, including taro. Those folks at University of Queensland - Australia sure do their homework. And this bunch of lemongrass went from the Grocer to Garden at "Happy Forest Farm", yay. Of course, if you've been following along, then you probably noticed that these are all possible components in the Compost Factory Guild.

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